7 Reasons Why Brands Are Shifting to Progressive Web Apps

Over the last few decades, mobile devices have completely transformed the digital landscape with global penetration and access. Most users access the internet through their mobile devices, which have become the most preferred platform for brands to target their customers. This resulted in creation and development of native applications with smaller interfaces and input models to resolve issues with unresponsive web on mobile devices and to offer features of offline access, notifications, personal preferences and settings.

However, recent advances in web technology has made it possible to develop Progressive Web Apps (PWA), which are websites that can be accessed through web browsers and deliver an experience similar to native application. PWAs reduce data costs without the need to download heavy applications or creating separate versions for different devices and operating systems. These sleek PWAs are able to run even with slow and flaky connections and allow similar engagements like that of a native app with features such as push notifications, ease of use, faster loading time, user experience design and with the ability to be searchable on the web.

Users can now enjoy native app features with just a URL or an icon on the home screen and access offline contents and receive offers from their preferred brands. With increased user engagement PWAs are helping brands in all sectors including e-commerce, productivity, games, social media, or news media with increased users and conversion rates. PWAs offer seamless customer journey for users regardless of the platform whether it is a mobile device, a tablet or a desktop. The latest PWAs also integrate AR and VR technologies to offer seamless and personalized experience to buyers.

MakeMyTrip’s PWA witnessed a 160% increase in shopper sessions and a 3x conversion rate. First-time shoppers convert 3x more time on PWA as compared to a native app- PWA Stats

UK clothing brand George witnessed a 31% increase in conversion, 2x lower bounce rate, and a 20% increase in page views after upgrading to a PWA- Google Case Study

7 reasons why brands are shifting to progressive web apps1

In this blog, we will highlight some of the reasons why top brands are shifting to PWAs:

1. Low Cost

PWAs do not need to be developed for different operating systems and tend to operate on all devices with a basic web browser functionality, which significantly reduces the effort of developers and the cost associated for developing them. A normal PWA costs 4 times less than their native app version.

2. Superior User Experience

PWAs offer the same features of a native app like offline functionality, user-friendliness, dynamic interface and cover the limitations of normal websites. PWAs provide users with advanced UI/UX with a combination of app like feel and website performance. Progressive Web Apps are superior to website and regardless of tools and technologies used to develop them, PWAs offer exemplary design and advanced performance similar to that of a native mobile application.

3. PWAs are Fast

PWAs accelerate page load time enormously by enabling background processing and delivering at a much faster speed. They have similar speed, capabilities and responsiveness of normal website with easy access to database.

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4. Discoverability

One of the critical advantage of PWAs over native applications is their discoverability on the web. Since PWAs exist on the web, they can be discovered through search engines like Google, Bing as well as social shares and external links. With availability of PWAs on the web, brands can employ SEO strategies to increase the visibility and discoverability of their PWAs unlike native applications which may be lost under millions of other apps in play stores. It thus becomes more appealing and feasible for brands to adopt PWA in their strategies for content promotion, social and digital marketing strategies.

5. Faster and Seamless Installation

PWAs do not require any complex installation or downloading process which offers a delightful and hassle free experience for users. These apps being easily accessible by links through a browser can be simply placed on home screens and need not be bound to any App Store or Google Play Store. It reduces user abandonment.

6. Hassle-free Updates

The regular need to update an app creates hassle for users as well as incur data costs. However, the PWAs do not bother the users with regular updates or request permissions. PWAs automatically update themselves every time a user visits the web page without the need for users to update it manually.

7. Better and Enhanced Security Capabilities

PWAs with the reliance on HTTPS offer added data safety and security by minimizing the risk of security concerns and fraud. PWAs with HTTPS prevent content tampering and snooping. Progressive Web Apps also employ web Bluetooth technology that creates an additional layer of security capabilities.

Progressive Web App: The Future of Mobile Web

In times to come, mobile web will witness a significant growth of progressive adoption apps as brands shift to the new and advanced capabilities of the PWAs to reduce their dependence on costly and data intensive native apps. The flexibility and platform agnostic nature of PWAs make them the right choice for brands that are eyeing business scalability.

To learn more about PWAs and to create future-proofs solutions today, contact us at marketing@espire.com. Subscribe to our blogs for latest updated and industry insights.

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