Winning Students in the Digital Age, powered by Sitecore
In the era of student experience - solving pain points for students can be only possible by being digital on the inside!
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Broadcast Date : June 19, 2019 | Wednesday | 10 AM BST
The dynamics of higher education has changed considerably with the entry of the hyper-connected, technology savvy students on the move, who have higher expectations from their universities than ever before. The situation has been made more fluid with the entrance of several online institutions of higher education with a wider reach than ever before.
In such a fragmented state, with both online and on-campus institutes vying for the student’s attention globally, it has become a challenge for marketers and centres of higher learning to not only win over students but engage them throughout the learning cycle as well. In order to retain a distinctive and yet competitive edge, it is imperative for centers of higher learning to incorporate robust digital strategies that ensures seamless interaction while facilitating a 360-degree view of the student base.
In this webinar on "Winning Students in the Digital Age : Best Practices with Australian Catholic University" learn how higher education institutions can accelerate the student retention process, improve student acquisition, while at the same time enable students, research and community and maintain a credible reputation.
Key Takeaways: