Key Industry Trends

71% of higher education institutions are looking to invest in modern digital workspace solutions in the near future.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital maturity of higher education institutions as they pivoted to instructional continuity

47% of the higher education respondents say that they have a digital initiative in the mature phases of scaling or harvesting/refining

Only 25% institutions are currently on or about to embark on their digital transformation journey

71% of higher education institutions are looking to invest in modern digital workspace solutions in the near future.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital maturity of higher education institutions as they pivoted to instructional continuity

47% of the higher education respondents say that they have a digital initiative in the mature phases of scaling or harvesting/refining

Only 25% institutions are currently on or about to embark on their digital transformation journey

71% of higher education institutions are looking to invest in modern digital workspace solutions in the near future.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital maturity of higher education institutions as they pivoted to instructional continuity
Leading Education Institutes
Espire Industry Insights
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