Espire was a Bronze Sponsor at Future of Utilities Summit 2022
21 - 22 November 2022 | Business Design Centre, London
The Energy & Utilities industry is undergoing massive transformation to deliver Net Zero by 2050 or earlier, supported by the 4 D’s (Decarbonisation, Decentralisation, Digitalisation & Democratisation). Water & energy companies face challenges around aging assets, workforce, legacy systems, and mountains of historic data and continuously exploring ways to reduce business risk by developing resilience and better prediction capability around their day-to-day operations. In both ED2 & AMP7, the regulator has mandated strong focus on improving ‘Customer Experience’ while significantly reducing spending and demanding a lower ‘cost to serve’ per customer. E&U companies are expected to deliver 'More for Less' either through innovation or significantly improving operational efficiencies.
These expectations could be addressed by adopting a 360-degree cross-enterprise Total Experience (TX) approach which combines Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience (EX) and Business Experience (BX) to deliver an exceptional outcome. Gartner predicts - "By 2026, 60% of large enterprises to employ a total experience strategy to transform their business models and achieve "world-class customer and employee advocacy levels" in which both groups are motivated to promote the corporate brand"
Espire Infolabs proudly participated as a Bronze Sponsor in the Future of Utilities Summit 2022, where attendees had the privilege of meeting our experts, engaging in impactful conversations, and gaining valuable insights into our future-ready Total Experience strategy. This proven strategy effectively addresses business challenges and helps maintain a competitive edge within the dynamic energy and utilities landscape.
Connect with Espire to forge a sustainable and prosperous future for the Energy & Utilities industry >> Schedule a Callback!
Glimpses from the Event
Meet Our Team

Kaustubh Varde
VP, Sales, Espire Infolabs

Kaustubh is one of the key people responsible for business transformation efforts for Espire, in UK & EMEA. He has proficient knowledge in Digital CX services, with deep-set experience to advise customers on digital customer journey, digital migrations, and redesigning CX.