Development of Mail-Room Tracking System (MTS)

Business Requirement

As a major global document management company, with over 35 years of successfully managing hundreds of mailrooms, the client was gearing up to automate its mailroom in which the data was currently being managed manually. The goal of the projects was to improve internal processes, mailroom operation efficiency and productivity.

Business Solution

Espire developed a Mailroom Document Tracking System to automate the process of manual data entry. This system required a web based system in order to access Track and Report by a web browser. The website was positioned in the intranet which was accessed by different sites and countries with authentication & authorization placed for security purpose.

Business Benefits

  • Secure way to maintain and track mails & time-efficient and cost effective
  • Allows the recipients during inbound processing to perform acknowledgment on a handheld device after their mails have been successfully delivered to them
  • Provides the capability to search and download reports that are generated on pre-defined schedule
  • Provides the capability to generate ad-hoc reports, such as, for instance, the daily and monthly mailroom volume and expenses of outgoing mails

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